And if you don’t want to browse all categories one-by-one, click the Most popular category to view 15 most downloaded themes. Open Community themes category to view themes made out of pictures submitted by end users.

The other cool thing is that you don’t need to download and install a theme to view wallpapers packed in. Simply click Details and then click on a picture to view it right on the webpage. Visit the following link to browse and download official themes.



Windows 8 is cool. It’s interface, the flat UI is so powerful that it changed the design trend to Flat UI design trend after which, websites, mobile apps and even company logos are re-designed to support this flat UI revolution.
After observing Windows 8 and its performance, Windows developers launched Windows 8.1 with some major/minor improvements in features as well as and design too. But it’s hard to point out differences, especially in “user interface” which includes both theme and visual styles.
World gone mad about the visual style but the default theme which is being used in both Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 themes are not liked by everyone. It is very professional looking which is not really liked by everyone. So, if you are among that group of people who want to change their Windows 8/8.1/RT 8.1 then today I am showcasing 15 most popular Windows 8 and 8.1 themes that people choose over default Windows 8 theme.

1. Abisso 2014 (by ~ezio)

Somewhat cluttered theme but due to dark interface, it is very popular among gamers, hackers, geeks and other techies.

2. Aero Glow 8.1 (by ~MrGriM01)

Get your Windows 7 almost back with this theme. Istall Aero Glow 8. 1 and it will change your Windows 8 to make it look much better than Windows 7.

3. Bel Minimal (by ~cu88)

Very simple theme with Ubuntu type minimal interface, Bel Minimal is a very clean theme which is usually used by artists because it becomes easily to build there imagination at empty space ?

4. Elegant (by ~swapnil36fg)

Seems like, your tiles have been expanded. With Elegant theme, you can enjoy both Windows 7 and Windows 8 at a good mix.

Windows 8.1 Desktop Themes

Gray8.1 (by ~gsw953onDA)
Clipart alike theme but very popular among every age of user, Grey 8.1 is simply awesome. The icons, visual appearances are cool.. really “cool”.!
Naumn (by ~cu88)
Similar to Bel Milimal, Naumn is also a very simple theme. It’s upside taskbar looks very interesting and handy to users. The rest you’ll get are smart Windows 8/8.1 interface.
Tequila port (by ~rian76)
Apple alike theme Tequila port is also having very minimal design. However, it has some handy shortcut icons added in the windows which is obviously increasing productivity.
Vanilla (by ~link6155)
Vanilla is very great theme with stylish icons, visual effects and smart shortcut buttons. The smart style is also a plus point with this theme.
Xgreen (by ~TermitBOSS)
The greenish look is loved by a large number of people. If you like it, then try the theme for sure!
Adobe CS6 (by ~xXiNightXx)
CamVs (by ~HungHello)
Claro (by ~2befree)
The theme look like a good combination of both Mac and Ubuntu operating system over Windows 8.
X-reD Theme for win 8/8.1 (by cu88)
Light and Dark Red over white? You like the theme? The start menu is floating and Windows UI is made more logical by eliminating minimize/restore buttons.
Elune for Windows 8 (by neiio)
Windows 8 themepack

Windows 8 Themepack

Elune is nicely design with full support of Windows 8 auto-colorization feature. It is minimal but the UI is enhanced to make it the one you totally love.

Best Windows 8.1 Themes Download

Liza Dark for Windows 8/8.1 (cu88)
Liza Dark is take the flat UI to next level by minimalizing the inteface even more. Check it out, you are gonna love it.

Final Thoughts

All themes are from our great friends at DevianART. The provided downloading links will take you to DevianART website from where you’ll be able to download that theme for free. Instructions are provided at the theme download page to know how to install and use custom Windows 8/8.1 theme which I showcased above.

Windows 8.1 Desktop Themes Free

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